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How Anesthesia Affects Your Brain And Body
3 things you DON'T KNOW happen to YOUR BODY under anesthesia (and HACKS TO FIX in 2023!)
Your Secrets Exposed Under Anesthesia? Doctor Explains
What they DON'T TELL YOU about YOUR BODY under anesthesia!
Confessions under anesthesia 😬
Why is India’s Fertility Declining? IVF, PCOD, Male Infertility Treatment ft Dr. Anand Nanavati
Talking in surgery
What happens to lonely people under anesthesia?
Which Patients Talk Under Anesthesia? Will You?
Doctor Reacts: What Patients Say Under Anesthesia
5 Embarrassing things you do, but don't remember, after surgery - LIVE
10 Crazy Things That Happen When You're Under Anesthesia